Herbs and Oils that stop hair loss
A close-up of a stunning loc style, showcasing well-maintained, vibrant locs. The photo highlights the intricate beauty and individuality of the hairstyle, symbolizing self-expression and confidence. This image represents the transformative impact of loving and caring for one's locs on mood and overall well-being.

In the ecosystem, the plant is our partner.  The plant uses carbon dioxide to make sugar through the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is the byproduct. Respiration uses oxygen to release energy from stored sugar, carbon dioxide is the byproduct. Hence, people and plants were made for each other. Among plants, herbs are used to feed, heal, and nourish our bodies. Herbs provide the essentials required to return to homeostasis. Homeostasis is our body’s natural state of perfect harmony. A cell continues forever in homeostasis. The body breaking down, in the form of hair loss is just evidence the hair follicles have deviated from homeostasis.  So now to return to homeostasis, you have to detoxify buildup in the body and begin to replenish using herbs. This means that even your hair follicles will have an opportunity to return to perfect harmony and reverse hair loss. Herbs, along with sufficient detoxing, and increased water consumption, can block hair loss in your locs and return your hair follicles to homeostasis. 


High and Low Porosity is a Major Cause of Dry Locs and Scalp

What is commonly known as dry locs, is actually referring to the porosity of the locs. Porosity refers to how much and how well your locs can absorb and retain moisture. The way the cuticle layer rests along the hair shaft will determine the porosity of the locs.  In resistant locs, a compact cuticle layer has tightly overlapped scales that rejects moisture. Think of low porosity locs as a plastic bag. The bag holds what it has but nothing passes through. Water does not easily pass through a plastic bag. In normal porosity locs, the cuticle layers overlap which allows moisture to penetrate the hair shaft and remain balanced.  Porous locs have raised cuticle scales and moisture passes in and out easily. 

Low porosity locs is dry, possibly hard may begin to grow out of the normal curl pattern Normal porosity feels soft and moisturized urging your fingers along the shaft of your locs High porosity locs is prone to frizz, dry, and  brittle with a very unsettled feeling
genetic factors play a roll in low porosity locs deep conditioning with steam is often required to open the cuticle proper care internally as well as externally a complete balance locs normally damaged by chemicals like color and bleach, overexposure to heat 
in a strand water test low porosity hair would float stopping the water from entering the hair shaft almost completely in a strand water test, normal porosity hair would float in the middle taking in only what it needs to stay balanced in a strand water test, high porosity hair would sink to the bottom of the water as it allows much water to enter the hair shaft, yet if pulled out of the water all of the moisture would just as quickly leave the hair 
low porosity locs cannot tolerate high protein products as this will not absorb into the hair shaft and sitting on top will make the hair brittle and more prone to breakage normal porosity locs does not need many things to remain where it is, simply a healthy balance and what is needed and the timely removal of what is not needed the cuticles have gaps and holes that allow moisture to enter the 
avoid heavy creams as they will only cause buildup when not absorbed medium to light creams and oils are ideal for normal porosity locs loc gels and products that are water-soluble with no alcohols are going to work best for this porosity of locs products for high porosity locs are going to be geared towards repairing damage so protein is the first place to invest when returning your locs to a normal porosity 

              Resistant                                   Normal                               High

Herbs for High Porosity



Dehydration is caused by losing more fluids than you take into your body. Surprisingly, the most common way that you lose fluid from your body is through the act of breathing. While breathing or speaking you release tiny fluid particles that must be replenished. The next way that we lose fluid is through sweating. And lastly, as you may have guessed, we release fluid through our urine and bowels. Throughout the day, we must intake more fluid than we release to restore the fluid loss through these natural bodily functions. 

Pay close attention to your water intake. Many people think that they drink enough water during the day by drinking a water bottle or two. However, the best sign that you are taking in enough water will reflect in your skin and hair. Hydrated locs will look shiny and strong. If you do not have shiny locs there is a possibility that your water intake is disproportionate to your fluid loss. 

How much water should you drink?

According to The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, adequate daily fluid intake is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women.  Ultimately, your exact amount will be determined by your intake-to-lose fluid ratio.

What Does Your Locs Look Like When You Are Dehydrated?

You will initially notice the dullness of your locs or their lack of luster. They will not shine naturally and will appear brittle and unhealthy. Check out this chart that shows the stages of dehydration and how those stages look in your locs.

Stages of dehydration in locs

Stages of Dehydration In Locs

Herbs for Dehydration

  • chamomile
  • elderflower
  • asparagus
  • Willow bark
  • licorice


Hair Bleaches

Hair bleaches used on your locs will cause damage to your locs. In today’s culture coloring your locs is a look that is desired and even though it is popular, this does not mean that you will not eventually lose your locs as a result of applying dyes and bleaches to your locs.

How do dyes and bleaches work on your hair?

 The bleach reacts with the melanin in the hair by removing the color during an irreversible chemical reaction. The bleach oxidizes the melanin molecule and it becomes colorless. 

What is oxidation?

Oxidation is the chemical process in which a molecule gains oxygen or loses electrons and hydrogen. 

Ex. Applying hydrogen peroxide to a cut or scratch. The white foam bubbles indicate the oxidation process. Hydrogen peroxide is H2O2 very similar to water H2O. The additional oxygen atom reacts with an enzyme contained in most living things called catalase (Catalase lowers the activation energy for the reaction which converts H2O2 into H2O). With the catalase present, the reaction happens much more rapidly.

The oxidation that occurs during the bleaching process could be understood in the same way in which the bleaching chemical oxidizes the melanin in your hair.

What determines the permeability of my locs?

Bleaching the loc affects its permeability. The permeability of a material or membrane is the state or quality it is in to allow gases or liquids to pass through it. 

Herbs That Can Reverse Or Repair the Damage Done to Your Locs By Bleaching

  • avocado for deep conditioning
  • scalp massage with natural butter
  • eggs in your shampoo
  • banana
  • coconut oil


Hormonal Imbalance

The hormone that is largely responsible for hair loss in men and women is dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a by-product of testosterone produced by the body. This hormone is biologically important for sexual differentiation of the male genitalia during embryogenesis, maturation of male sexual organs during puberty, growth of facial, body, and pubic hair

What happens when there is too much DHT?

DHT affects your hairline by miniaturizing the hair follicle. During the miniaturization process, follicles that were once producing healthy hair begin to produce thinner hair with fragile hair shafts. The less-dense hairs lead to the appearance of thinning hair and eventually hair loss.  Too much DHT is a result of excess testosterone production and has variable effects according to gender. DHT is stronger than testosterone because of its relationship with the androgen receptor. Androgens are hormones (ex. testosterone) and the receptors allow the body to appropriately respond to the androgens. On average 5% of free testosterone in the body is converted to DHT. DHT attaches to the same sites as testosterone but because of it’s higher potency the attachment time is largely increased. 

In men, there may be no recognizable physical changes as they are affected during prostate development and puberty. In women the symptoms of too much DHT are as follows:

Excessive DHT Hormone Production in Women

Loss of scalp hair at the temples or on the crown Increased body or facial hair Acne Aggression
Excessive sweating Sleep Apnea High red blood cell count Increased risk for high blood pressure

Is miniaturization normal?

Miniaturization in any given area as much as 20% is normal and is explained by the natural hair growth cycle. 

So, what is miniaturization?

Miniaturization is feeling the top of your head and finding your scalp. The memory of your hair being in this place makes you feel like you are far removed from what you once were. Experiencing this is difficult for men, but for a woman, it is even more devastating. 

Am I going bald?

This is the question that many people are having to ask themselves. The truth is once you can feel your scalp and you know that you are not doing the things that you are supposed to do to take care of your entire being you will understand that until you stop doing the things to your body that hinder life you will forever experience the results of someone hindering their life. So, to answer that question yes you are going bald and that will not change until you do.

Can going bald be reversed?

There is nothing in this world that is done that can not be undone. When you are submerged in fear, born of insecurities, stress hormones will be released causing corrosion locally. Reversing balding means reversing all the things you do to cause the condition of balding. 

Herbs that Block DHT Responsible for Hairloss

  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • stinging nettle
  • green tea
  • chamomile
  • horsetail
  • burdock
  • peppermint
  • black pepper oil


Congestion is something that people do not consider when analyzing what could be causing the hair loss that they are experiencing. However, the way the body is physically running throughout the various systems are also places to look when you want to determine the reason for hair loss. Any stagnation in the body in which you experience will affect the growth cycles of your hair

How many hair follicles are on your head?

The hair follicles form during gestation and we do not gain any throughout life. There are 100,000 hair follicles in your head. So, from the beginning, you will be activating, resting, and transitioning at which time the club hair falls out and the process starts again.

Dead skin cells being stacked up into the hair follicle is your hair growing. The area that is around your hair follicle is a storage area where excess nutrients and minerals are gathered. These cells become part of a matrix that bands together to transmit the information being received from the outside world to the follicle or base camp of the inside of the body. In this way, our hair becomes a transmitter carrying information from outside to the inside and from the inside out. 

Now consider 100,000 follicles at any time but are dependant on the functionality of the body. There are certain minerals that have to be present for the body to be able to create the hair



Poor Lymphatic Drainage

Hair grows in cycles of two to six years. Each hair grows about 1 cm per month during a hair growth cycle. Hair in the antigen phase accounts for about 90% whereas resting hair (catagen phase) accounts for about 10%. Hair in the catagen phase or transitional phase remains in that state for two to three months before falling out. At this time new hair begins to grow in its place. It is normal to lose 100 hairs per day. Beyond that point, hair loss would be considered to be abnormal.

Lymphatic capillaries transport cells and drain excess fluids and toxins from tissues. These capillaries form a network around 




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